Harder than arranging the towels
Salon style means lots of artwork hung close together top to bottom and side to side. The idea is to balance out the visual weight of the TV with the artwork behind it.
Seasons of Life
There are a bunch of seasons of life- family related- young to old- with and without pets, that ARE the subject of my artwork.
Pendulum Swinging
Politics also go through a seasonal cycle, but instead of the sweet and nurturing circle we experience within seasons of the year, political climates are right and left, pendulum swinging back and forth.
The weather promises to change
I am entertained by asking those in-the-now questions: How does this day feel? How does it smell? What are the dominant colors and textures? What would I like to say about that?I am interested in taking a longer look at Seasons Seasons Seasons.
A day in the life- mid August
Summer time has less of a get-into-the-studio-and-begin-working protocol and more of a which-garden-do-I-work-in-today protocol. The work of the garden is really the same as the work of the art studio.
Just add purple and chartreuse
I'm starting a new series of work that will use (spiritual) purple and (rebirth) chartreuse as major players. At least that's my current thinking.
Everyone is happy
As an artist, we love it when the client gives us a lot of freedom to make any changes that will improve the work as a piece of art. The client wants a keepsake and the artist wants to create quality artwork. When both happen then everyone is happy.
Something to Say About the Digital Age
New inventions have always been both delightful and frightening. An autonomous car is no different than a telephone, except for the century in which it is imbedded into human lives.
New Order and Taking Stock
Some forms of creativity have less of a pile accumulated - for example the choreographer, composer, chef, novelist, and designer. The visual artist must acknowledge that by making stuff we also create the burden of accumulation.
Cleaning the Closet (Refrigerator, Studio, BookShelf, Shed)
I am often heard saying "Use what you have." I am pretty good at practicing what I preach. I design new garden beds with easy to move perennials in mind, those already in other beds and ready to thin.
Entering the Studio
This week it will be easy to descend into my basement studio, because I am enjoying hand stitching on a large abstract piece.
Seasonal Artist and Late Bloomer
Creating artwork can be done any time of year. Pay attention to what works for you and guard your studio time.