Seasonal Artist and Late Bloomer

Girl playing with hose and water.Art work inspired while on summer vacation. When are you most productive?I love to work in the garden, specializing in Xeric landscaping, but also growing food crops and tending public places that receive water. Each season has it's own challenges and delights, that I find enormously and creatively entertaining. Thank goodness I live in Wyoming - a place that really does take a long break in the winter months.As I write this, it is almost August, and I have little difficulty being out of bed by 6 am and enjoying the cooler hours of the garden first thing. By 9 or 10 am I am exhausted from clipping etc. and ready for the studio. The garden shortens my studio time, but not a lot. After all, in mid winter, because I am not a person who wishes to get up in the dark, I am not finishing breakfast until 8:30 am anyway.The Spring-Summer-Autumn outside jobs compete with exercise routines and cleaning house. It is somewhat surprising that the Winter season is my most productive time for artwork (and for very regular walks at the indoor track.) Creating artwork can be done any time of year. Pay attention to what works for you and guard your studio time.Remember when you were a kid, and looked forward to summer vacation? I now have mixed feelings about any vacation, no matter what the season. A break in routine - Lovely! Away from the studio- How many days?! There are probably other people who love their work and also think that the best time to be had, is getting a lot done (in the garden or the studio). So even though I am near retirement age, I am doing the opposite! I am limiting my vacations and feel that my artwork path is just coming into it's stride. Artist as late bloomer. Out of sync with a lot of other folks. I don't mind.


Repeating Myself - in a good way


Creating Abstract Art