Another Makeover

Movin Along, Pull My Baby, an art quilt created in 2015, had many fine qualities. I had combined a collaged background of mostly hand-painted fabrics with outlines of figures. I liked those wonderful background fabrics and the overall abstract style. However, the limited information given about the children and wagon made it perplexing for viewers to 'read'. Was that important to me or not? Below is the reference photo and the quilt as it looked in 2015.  

Reference photo for Movin Along, Pull My Baby 2015

Movin Along, Pull My Baby 2015

Do you see how the head and hair are odd and difficult to make out? Some people saw an old witch woman. And after folks told me this, it was difficult to avoid seeing the old woman instead of the head of a child pulling a wagon.

So last month I decided to do something about it. I removed lots of lines, mostly in the hair and parts of the wagon. I ripped out stitches and carefully peeled the fused fabrics off. (This was easier than it sounds.) Then I reworked the coat, face, hair, and wagon. I paid more attention to the light and shadow sides of the figures and wagon. I found some of the original fabrics that I could use again. Some of the shadings were accomplished by making lines with markers. The background movement and lovely colors are the same. Here is the makeover piece. I like it.

Movin Along, 29 X 40, 2022

Detail of Movin Along, 2022

And here is a recipe for your summertime taste buds. Back in 2020, I presented this pudding as Holiday Pudding. It had fresh cranberries and frozen raspberries. There are many other flavors to try out, such as pineapple, banana, strawberry, mango, peach, and blueberry. Any Flavor Pudding: If using frozen fruit, microwave 2 cups of fruit until thawed. Transfer to a blender. Add 2-3 T. Tapioca flour and 1-2 T. sugar (sweeter fruit will require less sugar), and 1/2 cup of coconut milk. Process until smooth. Transfer into a medium glass container, add another 1/2 cup of coconut milk, and microwave until boiling. Let cool and enjoy.




Safe and Well